The Informal Civic Education project is an Erasmus Plus Project aimed at an adult public interested in learning about CIVIC EDUCATION issues.
The period of isolation of the pandemic has increased in adults the need to learn more about their community, socialize and create places of lifelong learning on current topics such as Economy, Environment, Health and Legality.
How do these services work locally? How can they be improved? How to stay updated on current issues? How to find out about foreign experiences on civic issues? How to participate in civic engagement initiatives?
These are some of the questions that the project asks itself from a Service-Learning perspective, the useful learning for the community.

The AIM of the I.C.E. project is to recreate upskilling and re-skilling spaces where civic issues are the glue to re-aggregate generations: young adults, adults, migrants and seniors.
The OBJECTIVES of the Project are:
- developing a learning model for adults on Civic Education topics, in particular in Justice, Environment, Health and Economy;
- using informal methodologies, face to face and remotely, to promote adult learning, including through the creation of civic table games;
- creating multilingual online training modules on the basic skills of civic education